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VITAMIN E is a STRESS-BUSTER among other things!

Vitamin E is an especially powerful antioxidant involved in the protection and regeneration of skin cells. Used topically and orally, it is very effective at preventing and reducing scarring and discolorations of the skin. Research has also shown that vitamin E possesses anti-inflammatory effects that can combat arthritis, asthma, and other inflammatory disorders linked to chronic inflammation including depression. Foods...

Depressed? Anxious? Maybe You Need More Zinc

  ZINC IMPROVES DEPRESSION Clinical studies and experimental work using animals have both revealed a link between zinc and neuropsychological disorders like depression and anxiety. Not only has zinc deficiency been shown to induce depression and anxiety, supplementation with zinc has been used as an effective treatment for major depression. Zinc also improves the effect of antidepressants in depressed patients. ZINC...

The Uncommon Power of Common Vitamin C

The health benefits of vitamin C in combatting the common cold, improving the immune system, preventing scurvy, strokes, and even preventing and fighting some cancers have been touted for decades. But, vitamin C’s least known and most powerful function may be in preventing and treating depression and anxiety. VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY CAUSES DEPRESSION AND CRAVINGS FOR SUGAR A deficiency in vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid,...


This delectable side dish may easily be mistaken for dessert! Stuffed with apples, dried cranberries, cinnamon, maple syrup and topped with pecans, this dish is not only delicious but is also high in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6 – making this a good anti-anxiety and anti-depression food!


GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is one of the body’s most calming neurotransmitters and plays a powerful role in anxiety and depression. Like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, GABA is not directly available in food. But the amino acid, glutamine, is present in food and converts to GABA. GABA is available as a supplement but most medical professionals do not believe it can cross the blood-brain barrier to enter the...

SELENIUM – A Micro-Nutrient with a Mega-Impa...

Selenium improves the immune system against bacterial and viral infections, against cancer cells and herpes virus, cold sores, and shingles. It also regulates cholesterol and benefits the skin during healing from burn injuries. Selenium contributes to healthy skin and shampoo containing selenium can alleviate dandruff problems. Selenium also plays an important role in preventing and decreasing depression and anxiety. There...